"A Clever Person Solves A Problem. A Wise Person Avoids It"  Albert Einstein     


Have A New Vision.  Change Your Thinking. Change Britain. Change The World. 

 Not Right. Nor Left. Just What Is Best…For Progress.  Progression Not Regression.

Every Life Matters. Police Lives Matter. Free Speech Matters.

"Do Nothing By Strife, Or Vain Glory"  Matters. 

We Do Not Care If You Are Black Or White, Rich Or Poor. We Care Only, That We All Obey The Law.

That We Respect The Police Who Maintain It For Us, And Are A Considerate Citizen To All.

Love The Nation In Which You Live And Respect The Flag It Flies. Otherwise, What Have You Come To Do?

Wherever You Are, Seek To Build Peace & Prosperity WORLDWIDE, And Play Your Positive Part.

Do Not Tear Down To Destroy.

 "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking.

It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” 

 Albert Einstein

The difference between animals and humans is that humans can speak with words and then print their knowledge and ideas in books and elsewhere and each generation can learn from the past. Science also is developed layer upon layer from knowledge of past generations until now we have A.I. or artificial intelligence that will produce computers and robots that will exceed human intelligence and the ability of most/all people. Even as a simple calculator will exceed the ability of many who use them. Yet books offer good and bad ideas and in all this knowledge we still cannot stop wars and dictators starting them, nor the poverty that besets many, nor the division between "left and right" wing politics, nor whether there is a God or a religion that is actually a realistic option for "life after death" or a consistent message of "how we should live". Religion could just be another means of controlling of mankind, and women in particular.  We need to "think" about these things more seriously, logically and openly, as both religion and politics create many of the wars and poverty in the world. Much of this lack of progress is due to lack of very basic knowledge on these 2 topics in UK society and in our children. Like all nations, we are all being brainwashed in varying degrees which makes our "thinking" not free, nor independent, but subject to collective thinking and soundbites we hear around us, i.e. parents, siblings, schools, universities, local communities, work, the mainstream media and now the internet. With that in mind we should also be aware that according to the most famous and well read book in the world, the Bible, it has the following words in it, "in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God" and " the words I say unto you, they are Spirit and they are life". So according to the Bible message, words themselves are "spirit" and when they are the words of God they can be "life" also, but it is only certain words, and if we are using the Bible and the New Testament in it, it is only the words of Jesus that are going to take us anywhere towards life after death, if indeed there is anywhere to be taken, a how do we know if any "storylines" about God are "true". Jesus Christ also said this "no one can come to the Father (God) but by me"" "I am the way the truth and the life".  In other words, he is the only way to life, he and his words are truth. The "truth" might be (contrary to current thinking), that there are not many ways to God and eternal life as many say, but just one way and we all have to make a decision about which way we choose. "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision" Joel 3 :14  


The Media, nor MPs, nor celebrities,  nor civil servants nor charities (at Calais for instance but many others), nor Academics and all those who promote that ALL immigrants are welcome and  free borders  and safe routes  for Asylum seekers, which will only  increase immigrant numbers. None of those listed acknowledge the fact that it is NUMBERS that is the problem, not initially  race or religion or culture. How can any nation  even attempt  to build 1.4 million homes a year, or even over three years when this will only cover the most recent influx of migration over one year, or the current number or persons  on the council waiting list  and  each year will  bring another million or more immigrants? Meanwhile the English are seldom offered council property. We are an island and eventually we will have no agricultural land, not enough water or sewage control that is currently going into the sea. We are also 2.7trillion in debt and the  infrastructure to build water reservoirs, homes, prisons, millions of new demands on  the NHS, welfare payments and education. Where do these supposedly educated leaders and Academics think we are going to pay for all this? We cannot,  they are relying on the ignorance  of the English ( as in not having enough knowledge) who do not know the dire situation we are in. Already it is the English paying the price as homes are scarce and they are the last to access them. The NHS has extreme  waiting lists,  few GP appts and  no free dental appointments.  Taxes will go up,  the English will pay these  but new immigrants will not, yet still we will have no  improved services as the money is going to billions to house and feed mass immigration of new immigrants. Eventually, it is logical that we will not have money for pensions or free  NHS care, but we do seem to  have money to pay  "protection of Mosques" and for extra police to stop the English Protests and imprison them in 24 hours with many dragged off while standing peacefully behind the police lines,   while the 3 incidents of knife crime or attacks on police and others  within  3 weeks we still have no  news.   This is on top of an epidemic of knife crime and attacks on our Police in Manchester,  a soldier on a country road stabbed, and  the attack on a group of girls under 10 years, which have triggered the  English Protests. All these attacks are by immigrants. The Media and Government call it misinformation on line that triggered the  Protest,  which said the killer of the children was an Asylum seeker from a boat crossing. He was not that, but the real misinformation was that he originally came from  Cardiff  implying he was Welsh.  It then  turns out he was born in Cardiff to 2 Rwandan immigrants, being born in Wales doe does not make a person welsh when the child has 2 parents from  Rwanda. It is is unheard of for the English to go on a knife killing spree, That is  so far done by Muslims of different ethnic groups. In London the statistics show that 99% or knife crime is black on black on attacks, but even they do not go on a mass killing spree of many strangers, or randomly in the street  to kill strangers.  We do not need an academic or  MP  to tell us that we have a problem, nor do we we need them to tell us we do not have a problem, we can see very well that  we  do. We can also see that the Media, Police and Government are trying to misinform us, first by the video given of the Police tasering and arresting  2 immigrants at Manchester  Airport and for 3 days it looked like  and unprovoked attack  by the Police. Then after 3 days later we saw a leaked video of the attack of those to brothers on  the 5 policeman, some of whom were armed.  Meanwhile the 2 brothers still demand before and after both videos, via their solicitor that justice (compensation) is done. This is insult to injury.  Discipline the Policeman perhaps, but the 2 brothers should be charged as they both attacked the Police. I do  not blame  the Police, they are caught between the Government and the press and MPs,  all  fluctuating in their demands and DEI demands on how they should behave the English want policing for crime, not thought or speech crimes. The Police  cannot do their job due to woke and political correctness,  but are "damned if they do and damned of they dont" and are  attacked anyway due to the pulled from side to side on multi ethnic grounds and demands.

John Maynard Keynes (Economist 1883-1944)  “Barring such catastrophes as uncontrollable flood of population or a totally destructive war, was not a continuation of the current state of misery and doubt, but a prospect so fair as to be almost unbelievable, nothing less than Adam Smiths heralded land of universal plenty "(The Worldly Philosophers by Robert Heilbroner Page 288). We will ALL return to WW2 and pre-war “misery and doubt” if the welfare system, education and law system fails even in the UK due to the legal and illegal mass immigration into the UK. If immigrants continue to arrive and with large families (more than 2 children) the UK islands will eventually not be able to house, feed, provide water, health care and education for anyone. We will ALL enter poverty en masse and we will ALL regress. The UK is 2.7 Trillion in debt (2024) this is not normal, it is not the time for strikes for 19%/35% salaries stoking inflation (and shockingly by nurses and doctors compromising the life of  already sick patients), or new European wars, or woke policies that gives people jobs and opportunities by race, colour or gender, which should ALWAYS ONLY  be by merit, or mankind will NOT survive, but regress. We will just be giving power to those who cannot cope, or those with a racial agenda like the London Mayor Sadiq Khan (a Muslim Pakistani). This Mayor who did not speak out to deter Black Lives Matter protesters going out during Covid lockdown in order to protect all Londoners from a deadly virus. The same with Tedros Adhanom (Ethiopian) the Director General of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) who did not condemn the Black Lives Matter  protests in the USA or elsewhere but said "it was an important issue and Black Lives Matter protests/riots should be allowed". He was in charge of the health of the nations worldwide and instead announced massive public protests compromising worldwide health could go ahead. This is racial bias and partisan behaviour and typical of decisions made by dictators, and why African  nations do not progress, because the decisions made are biased/corrupt, and not for the common good. Both of these men should be charged with Abuse of Power in Public office and removed from office, but they remain despite these abuses., the business and other leaders shockingly also said nothing but supported these policies. Other UK leaders are not much better, its leaders often seeking their own profit or career progression, or political ideology such as woke, or following their hidden policies within the Labour Party of Communism/Marxism, and we see the demise of the UK  imminent because of it. Many white and black Academics and MPs and Media are also promoting woke ideology that suppresses the search for truth by free discussion and free speech. The UN, ECHR, Human Rights and Asylum Laws are leading all democracies to suffer an invasion of UK, Europe and the USA. an invasion  but without the war, nor with  the consent of the people, but  by the consent of our leaders only.  Now in the UK and many Western nations/democracies we see a new history being taught in schools without any parental or public involvement. Positive discrimination for black lives and other minority groups to access positions in boardrooms and university places, but with a lower grades, and no experience,  but by  special measures and laws which allows an  ("accepted/legal") bias. This is called "dumbing down" and will lead to corruption and poor service in every area of British life, for all of society , for  the immigrants old and new also. It is hard to find good leaders and teachers even with good grades or experience, if positions are given just because of race or colour then we will get the same result as from the abovementioned two men, Khan and Adhanhom. They and others despise the UK,  the English "white" occupants in particular. They will only be happy when they control the UK government and all its institutions and  when all the English have left the land.  England,   and maybe all of the UK  will be  black and/or Muslim. it is England that has the main problem at present as we absorb most of the immigrants, yet Scotland says it wants more  immigrants, we should come to an arrangement with them if that is the case. By that time there will be civil war and/or civil disorder, as Black Lives Matter want to defund the Police so  there will be no law and order. Shockingly current leaders have not said a blunt "No" to this suggestion, nor "No" to compensation to victims of slavery over a 100 years ago. After WW2 all nations were poverty stricken and no immigrant was resident due to slavery in the UK, all  Black Africans have arrived by choice into the UK after WW2  and  have a better life in the UK than those that did not come with Windrush.  If they did not they would not keep arriving nor  want to stay. No immigrant will ever feel fully at home in the UK whether white or black,  as they are in someone else's nation and some collectively (not all)  make unacceptable demands that are detrimental to the host nation population. Black Lives Matter make hero's and statues of people like Floyd, Blake  and Duggan for their children to emulate/copy , who were criminals and 2 were  killed by Police during a crime. Floyd once took a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach during a robbery. So instead of being killed by the Police,  does BLM want society to be killing each other and far worse? We know that certain nations bring certain problems, if not, how do we explain that 99% of knife crime in London is black on black attacks?  Currently in the UK we are being asked to subdue our legitimate objections to all these problems and be insulted by people like Ngomi Fulani who was given access to the King at a charity reception and refused to answer a simple question of "where are you from" feigning/pretending offense to someone who was just interested in her charity and  her nation of origin, which is why they were both attending the event anyway. Yet the Media and the BBC in particular are responsible for much of the growth of "woke" thinking, without thought about  its injustice to the ordinary hardworking majority,  whose land this is, they do not air our opinion, they deem it racist, that is only their opinion.  No nation  or society can legislate/make laws against "offense", we all offend multiple people multiple times a day, and not always intentionally. Often the person offended has issues  in their past or daily experience that makes certain things upsetting to them. It is not  always the  fault of the other person, yet there  are also always people in society who are bullies, and those who are suicidal for some reason, and we cannot always avoid upsetting each other however much we try.  The legal system cannot  legislate over  such things, nor should the Police have to police it, they already   do not have time for real crimes due to monitoring of race, religion and speech crimes.

"It is important for the common good to foster individuality:

for only the individual can produce the new ideas which the community needs

for its continuous improvement and requirements

— indeed, to avoid sterility and petrifaction"

Albert Einstein 

“The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to matter, to be productive, to be useful,

to have it make some difference that you lived at all”

Leo Rosten

“Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.”

Albert Einstein


So... Mankind  could choose to live by the Common Courtesy Culture and Rights with Responsibility


We live by  the Culture of Christ and become  "a race apart"  by all following the Gospel of Christ

which already  brought in the element of equality for race,  male/females, social status.(Galatians 3: 26-25)

which is NOT based on warfare and oppression of women as promoted  in the Qur'an 

NOR is it  the storyline given by the current Christian Church, which has become corrupted,

NOR is it like human rights and woke culture which are contradictory and give a right for some 

(those with protected characteristics)  to be "offended" by a law hence the English are oppressed

but  the  immigrant  and Muslim protected.




Rights With Responsibility.

Play Your Positive Part In Life.

Please. Sorry. Thank you. Queue.

Smile. Live & Let Live. Forgive.

Be Polite, Even In Anger.

Agree to Disagree. Do Not Impose.

Submit to the Police.

Do Not Be Kind To Crime. 

Clever Or Not, Be Humble.

Be Grateful.

Every Life Matters.


*To be Free 

*To be happy.

*To be well.

*To have food, water, shelter, companionship.

*To have peace of mind 

*To have peace in the world.

*To have power over our own lives.

*To have work we enjoy.

*To have a goal that motivates us.

*To have a family. To belong.


Religion divides Us.

Political beliefs divide us

Language divides us.

Laws divide us.

Education and Knowledge or lack of it divides us.

Money and lack of it divides us.

Culture divides us.

Skin colour divides us

Not being able to speak freely divides us.

Our "thinking" affected by of all the above, and is the ultimate division.


*Human Nature and Emotions

*Some want power over others 

Power for their own benefit, or for their group/race/culture

*Some do not care, as long as they are OK.

*Some tell lies, or manipulate to maintain power over others, 

 to stay in high office, a job or position, or to retain influence.

* Not obeying the rules/laws, or bringing in their own laws to oppress.

To Falsely Use Race, Poverty, Mental Health, Disability As A Means To Oppress & Make Gains 

 Asylum and Conflictive Human Rights.

Toxic Significant Celebrities/Leaders using influence to destroy  other nations/groups


*Critical thinking on every issue, i.e. looking impartially at both sides of an issue.

*Live and Let Live attitude.

*Not getting angry/rude if someone disagrees with you..

*Free speech that allows dissent and discussion without rancour.

*We do not have to be right, we can "agree to disagree" Obey the great and small laws that keep society in peace.

Do not steal, murder, leave litter or dog fouling, play loud music in

communal or public places like parks, streets, trains, tubes, or communal gardens.

*We MUST have a RIGHT to ask "where are you from" and not be told it is racist to do so.

 It's a simple "getting to know you" inquiry in any society, a chance to hear about your culture,

(that you say you want others to recognize and value), or just your life experience, to hear about its problems and benefits.

If you are of African, European, or any other heritage, to ask society to suppress this simple inquiry, is an oppression of the soul. 

“THE END GAME - 2024”

(Woke, Black Lives Matter,  & 89'000 children in Council care)

What shall we do

So many pass through

Hands held out

For bread and stout.


Fleeing from war

Or an empty store

Not wanting to play

The game we say.


What do I mean

It’s all a dream

To those that come

They call for Mum.


And feed from the breast

Of taxpayers fest

Thinking it’s theirs

To allay their dares.


The English are told

We have to be sold

To maintain the flow

Of infinite dough.


As houses are filled

By demand of will

The English sit tight

Ready for flight, or fight.


Many children are born

That no one has sworn

To feed or love

By the glorious Dove.


But the Dove is made black

And put in a sack

As now we must see

What we believe.


Many children are born

To teach in the storm

Now they  have knives

And evil eyes.

For what we have done

Under the Sun

The English I mean

And the immigrants  dream.

The reality is

There is a twist

The dream is far gone

No longer switched on.


It’s all in the past

Time passes so fast

Many children are born

Now forlorn.


Not wanting to play

The game we say

Obeying the Law

Not being poor.


Many children unfed

No Taxpayer left

The English oppressed

The language bereft.


What did we do

So many passed through

The demand so great

On the State.


Even our own

Corrupted seed sown

Eventually war

Poverty and poor.


Racism or realism

Both are a prison

At the end of the day

We all have to play


The game we say

A certain way

Not yours or mine

But the sublime.


Submit and progress

Though we have less

Discuss and dispute

Sometimes refute.


Not shut the door

Of the jaw

We agree or not

It matters a lot.

All sides must speak

Or the nation is freaked

Distorted by power

We raise ourselves lower.


Woke will force it

Make us see fit

Then will torch us

Under the bus.


Is there a war?

Someone is poor

Is there a peace?

Poverty has ceased.


The child will suffer

For there is no buffer

Deserted by you

Your love not true.


The child is the nation

Stops at the station

You forgot to love

No hope from above.


They turn on despair

Into a fare

Of crime and theft

Then left bereft.


Because you gave birth

When there is no mirth

They tossed and turned

Eventually spurned.


England's lost speech

Supposedly freaks

And Masters of power

Yet holding flowers.


There is no privilege

We all under siege

These  words of war

At their core.


England is bereft

The English have fled

Or died in the war

Of empty store.


What shall we do

So many passed through

The English oppressed

Till nothing was left.


Was that the aim

Of all that came?

We gave what we could

It was not all good.


But look to your past

It goes so fast

Look to your present

From where you have been sent.


It is no  better

Look at the letter

Of history

Mankind’s misery and victory.


None can survive

None will thrive

If  "rights" prevail

Hammered by nail.


That riots and rules

By anger and fools

Disbanding Police

Law, order, ceased.


Who is to blame

If we all the same

It’s not quite true

I think not like you.


Watch what you speak

Watch what you seek

If you oppress

We all become less.


We all work hard

We all play our part

For good or ill

Stop. Think. Be still.


Thinking is fun

Think freely as one

It alone is the key

For VOLUNTARY  harmony.


What is Racism and Discrimination & its Solution?

**According to dictionary definitions, racism is prejudice and discrimination based on race. Racism can also be said to describe a condition in society in which a dominant racial group benefits from the oppression of others, whether that group wants such benefits or not. (

**Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. (

** EHRC Protected characteristics disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation. (

**Under the Equality Act 2010, (UK) there are 9 protected characteristics which are; age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. (

**What is Reverse Racism There seems to be little on google that even allows the concept of reverse racism. that acknowledges that it can be present in society as a problem or possible injustice and potential regression for society. For instance we allow the movement Black Lives Matter, but White Lives Matter is not acceptable, when logic says that is not equality which is what DEI is meant to be all about. My definition of Racism would not be as the above. As attempts to eradicate racism for those that now decide to force their way into a host nation (not just the Uk) the the migrants become an injustice and toxic to the host nation populations as they now begin to lead our our nations in to bankruptcy and change the nature of our own culture as the laws made to make the migrant feel comfortable, removes power from and actual security in our our own nation, and less access to services, housing, NHS etc. We are given a false narrative that most of our NHS are those from another nation, but neglect to say that the population or patients IN hospital are exceed the English population i.e in a waiting room 10% may be English, 90% immigrant. So all we are doing is increasing the population needing treatment, and then importing a medically trained population to treat those migrants now in the UK., but all paid by the 70% majority English Taxpayer. Soon, as the population changes to minority English but multiple ethnic groups and the effects of near or actual bankruptcy takes hold, we will have no free NHS for anyone as the NHS and welfare system is no longer sustainable due to mass uncontrolled immigration. Reality Of Reverse Racism  which occurs in any nation where races attempt to dwell together in a land where for some it is not originally their own land, or where they are the minority. Where difference is seen by colour of skin, dress, language, diet, religion, mannerisms i..e. being too loud/praying loudly on the street and public areas en masse.  Those suffering from racism, suffer because they have chosen to move, or have been forced to move out of their own land where they would be accepted and not then be subject to any racism, but in any nation we will all still suffer from our own nationals for some reason, as mankind tends to conflict. They move from their land because they have political, religious or other views that are not accepted by their own people, or their nation is at war, or it does not have the jobs and opportunities in life in their own land. It is the courtesy and willingness of the host nation population that might welcome those from other lands, as the host nation pays tax to cover the education of their own children, health care, housing, welfare payments when times are difficult. When many others enter that affects these services that they have paid for, or that a million homes might be built on precious green land on a small island every year to house those arriving but who are uninvited, yet the host nation are forced to house and feed those that arrive by now dubious and onerous (unjust) international laws. There is then a justified reason for a justified anger at the migrants entering by force who seem to have more money that us as the pay thousands to trafficker. Then those that come by legal routes agreed by the leaders of the nation who have not sought the agreement from the nation, but often actively denied or ignored it, they are more toe blame than the immigrants i.e. John Major's Government in 1993 signed the Maastrict Treaty without a referendum vote of the people of the UK, and Boris Johnson just ignored his promise. at Brexit to reduce immigration. This is not then racism, but justified anger in what equals an invasion, a word we are not even allowed to say anymore, and then we have free speech oppressed. We have the Asylum Laws passed at UN international level which were once used very little, by a few political refugees who were in danger. Now we have mass asylum claims that by Human Rights they can angrily demand our homes,, legal representation, welfare, health care, education which we do not even have enough for our own citizens, and the majority English Taxpayer pays for this. There is a justified reason for anger by the host nation for all of this, as our leaders also. It is not because of race and who the people are, but what they can demand from the host nation population by unjust laws, and do, quite aggressively, even telling us (Black Lives Matter (BLM) supporters) not to tell them to be grateful. Even I am grateful as an English citizen for being in the UK and what it provides, including  the Police and law and order which BLM abuse and disobey and run from instead of complying with the Police requests. They demand instead, and riot for defunding of the police, pulling down statues, changing our history in school education.  Why does anyone think this will assist the host nation to view immigrants with anything else but anger? We may not show it, as the law tells us we must to submit to this injustice. Now we have weekly Protests in London by Muslim Palestinians (a lot gathering, but a minority still) for a ceasefire in the Gaza war and trying by force and intimidation for the UK to change its Foreign Policy just because they Protest. Just because a group Protests doe not mean they are right, nor should our leaders change foreign policy to win votes. Nor should our leaders submit to a Protest group because they fear they may attack us with terrorist acts until we do? The opposing opinion of these Protesters is that they are supporting Hamas who are a terrorist group, and UMRWA who are a charity in Gaza who took part in the attacks and all are from the Muslim religion, and all recent major terrorist attacks have been by Muslims. This is not racism on the part of the host nation, but a legitimate concern for our own welfare and that of our children. It is a grave injustice made by national and international laws by our leaders and political parties of all strains, except perhaps Reform UK. However, we will see what happens there as a Muslim has just been made a chairman of the Reform Party, which seems incompatible with its aims. Muslims in Government will lead to religious deviation, a sheep in wolves clothing some have said.. he will draw Muslims to the party who will then demand changes that at are not compatible to the UK. I did have hope until this happened, I think we all need to read what the Qur'an actual says, if we do, we will realize why ISIS gained power and why  terrorism occurs. Islam has an aggressive concept of God, seeking war and oppression if deemed necessary, the Gospel, turns the other cheek and to "hardly even notice when others do it wrong". We only have to look at all the Muslims and the terrorism the followers have given birth to,.

Recently we had Vaughn Gething who was voted in as Welsh First Minister and during 4 months he had a vote of no confidence as he was alleged to have taken funds from an unsuitable donor, and then refused to stand down after the vote of "no confidence." That action is "not very british" or democratic, it is dictators that refuse stand down. After about a month 3 other Welsh ministers stood down in objection which then forced Gething to stand down, but denying any wrong doing. The Guardian wrote "Seldom have heads of government in a democracy disregarded the will of its legislature by carrying on despite losing a vote of confidence" One of his interviews was all about what he wanted for the BLM community and "those that look like him", shortly after his resignation speech he said " to those in Wales that look like me., some who will feel bruised about what has happened, I know our Country can be better, must be better, I know it cannot happen without us.. there will and there must be a Government in the future that looks like the country it serves, a Government for all of us to make Wales a better place with and for all of us" ( The Black and Asian community in Wales is 2.9% of the population of  Wales, the rest are Welsh an of the various UK 2 nations. Gething won the vote to be first minister and then failed, maybe he only achieved that position due to the positive discrimination promoted by DEI rules. It is not usual for Leader or MP in the Uk to ignore a vote of no confidence particularly if based on poor judgement or worse. Yet in the nation from where he has come, leaders once in power, often do not let the power go, as Gething did not to relinquish it. Hence does anyone of any ethic group, are they more likely to become dictators because their thinking is not as the English where democracy was born and we are brought up into respecting the rule of the vote. In Brexit, we had a millionaires wife standing against the vote, trying to overturn it, many EU citizens also, the Speaker of the House, who was the son of Romanian Jews. All these things may have been done by the English as well, past or present, but we learn from the examples of others, the good and bad examples, even as adults. It is incidents like this, and there are many, that many English and many others object to the the words of Mr Gething about his hope for what is a "take over" of the Government by people who" look like him", is that not reverse racism? It seems very extreme when people who "look like l him" make up only 2.9% of the population of Wales. It seems the "thinking" of Africans or BLM supporters wholly is illogical. For instance, they seem to think, that even though records show that black lives  are 99% victims and aggressors of knife crime, they then decide to protest against "stop and search" why, so they they cannot get caught and more such crimes occur? Or if they get caught in a crime, they think "let us run from the Police" whether innocent or not, even though some will get shot or killed, doing that. Or, "let us Protest for the Police to be defunded, so theyare not there chase us when we run with a gun," OR, if there is a pandemic and we are told not go out " let us Protest and riot while the nation is weak, who cares if we or others die from Covid". Do we really want such people with such "thinking" to run the nation or even the councils? The irony is, that the world is collectively submitting to these illogical demands from a immigrant group who do not think like us because they are of a different culture. There are some that do think like us, but or all, and there are some English that also have the same illogical thinking, journalists, Academics, MPs, who support all things woke and transgender which I consider toxic to society and abuse of vulberable children and we see the dangers it is bringing already to our system of Government and education and ultimately society. 

Those immigrants already here for many years and settled, not with so much with a BLM mindset, which is to take over the Islands of the UK should also be worried, as the aggressive illogical ones, whether black or white will soon be in control, and as with other African nations, we will no longer be a land of opportunity with relative law and order.

We should stop trying to make the population "like" each other, we are not children at school. We should all be under the same law and all "equal under the law" as they say, DEI makes the minority groups superior and they now feel above the law and the rest of us. We all need and to respect the Police i..e. no sharia or cultural/religious  laws, taking their photos in their face or outside police stations, The Police should know the law well and respect it also, sometimes they seem very uncertain. Democracy has separated religion from Politics for a reason, it should remain that way, maybe even remove Bishops from the House of Lords, they often promote woke policies and call them Christian. If we have all English or white in a group, business or office, that should be allowed, if is all black fine (which is happening already by positive discrimination) but employers should be allowed to employ who they wish, we do not want enforcement of diversity only on the white community, but then non white British can hire who they wish, which is happening already, I have seen "all black" business promoted and even awards for the same. EU nationals seem to employ who they wish, but the injustice is, immigrants do quite often already have all their own race in their business. Let it be a level play ground, there are are enough businesses of different races in the Uk now. Council offices and other public services and Landlords should also be able the hire or rent out to whoever they wish. If the black communities want films with all their own ethnic group that's fine, let them make their films. Let the English do the same and we all respect the preferences as we all have racial preferences, if we mix fine, if we do not, fine. Even white people do not get on with many other whites, we should not be forced to interact, we will do naturally if the Politics and law do not get involved. Just the thought of no more laws that allow people like Gething to make the claims he has, and be applauded (by the brainwashed woke or in fear or being called racist?) in such a suggestion that 90% of the Welsh nation need the 2.9% of people who look like him to make Wales a better nation than it is, when he just behaved in a "not very british" manner and with a very arrogant speech. I am not sure how tolerant we have to be when told 90% of a nation needs many people of colour in the Government to make it better and fair, does skin colour give them greater ability? Of course not. I would say having become the leader of the Welsh Government he has done very well, was that due to DEI brainwashing though, 1984 style? "Diversity is Good", not when it is enforced and those with the skills and talent are given jobs they cannot cope with or abuse.  I hope the black and white community see how not to behave when in public office, as with Sadiq khan and Tedros Adanhom in high office but who served their own racial groups and not for the common good of all. In their words they say they will serve all, in their actions, it is to take over what they can, justly or not. This is indeed a truth which we are not allowed to say, soon it will be too late to say anything , as soon our nation will not be our own nor a pleasant place to live for English or immigrant.

With Reform's recent unexpected new chairman appointment, we may be going backwards, is Nigel Farage going to stay for 5 years as an MP (or less), and then leave us to it with a rich Muslim Chairman/Leader we cannot vote out and after Reform is 90% Muslim membership?  He seems to be giving him an unprecedented platform without warning nor explanation and with ownership of the Reform Party? 

What is Woke? "The word woke loosely refers to a social media-fueled, left wing political ideology that emerged in the English-speaking world in the early 2010s. The term is derived from the state of being awake to or conscious of structural inequalities in society and being hyper-aware of one’s own role in those inequalities. Someone who is woke is constantly inspecting every institution in society, looking for the presence of racism, sexism, and other forms of pervasive prejudice". 
What is Marxism?
"To define Marxism in simple terms, it's a political and economic theory where a society has no classes. Every person within the society works for a common good, and class struggle is theoretically gone. Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx. It examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism".

What is Theocracy? "A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god. "his ambition is to lead a worldwide theocracy"

What is a Dictatorship? "A dictatorship is a type of government in which a single person—the dictator—or party has absolute power. This means that the ruler or party has complete control. The rights of the people are typically suppressed in a dictatorship, sometimes to a great degree".

What is Capitalism: "Capitalism is often thought of as an economic system in which private actors (persons) own and control property in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests of society. The essential feature of capitalism is the motive to make a profit. What does it mean to be capitalist? Individual capitalists are typically wealthy people who have a large amount of capital (money or other financial assets) invested in business, and who benefit from the system of capitalism by making increased profits and thereby adding to their wealth. By assuming the autonomy (independence of thought, action, choice) of the individual, capitalism grants dignity to the poor. By affirming people's right to their own labor, regardless of their position on the economic ladder, capitalism offers the poor the means to improve their own well-being. As an economic system, one of the effects of capitalism is that it breeds competition between countries and perpetuates poverty among developing nations due to the individual interests of private corporations rather than the needs of their workers. inequality, market failure, damage to the environment, short-termism, excess materialism and boom and bust economic cycles".

What is Socialism: "Socialism is, broadly speaking, a political and economic system in which property and the means of production are owned in common, typically controlled by the state or government. Socialism is based on the idea that common or public ownership of resources and means of production leads to a more equal society. A socialist country is a sovereign state in which everyone in society equally owns the factors of production. The four factors of production are labor, capital goods, natural resources and entrepreneurship. Disadvantages of socialism include slow economic growth, less entrepreneurial opportunity and competition, and a potential lack of motivation by individuals due to lesser rewards".

"The verdict is in, and contrary to what socialists say, capitalism, with all its warts, is the preferred economic system to bring the masses out of poverty and to make them productive citizens in our country and in countries around the world. Remember this: Capitalism rewards merit, socialism rewards mediocrity."
(All The above are taken from the internet from google search)

Some of the above means of governing a nation can sound quite appealing, the problem is, that all have been tested and those not based on capitalism on which democracy relies, have ended in mass murder, oppression and cruel dictatorships. We need to remind society of this so that we do not keep returning to these failed concepts because we read the short descriptions above and we can be deceived. Nevertheless, capitalism has led to the sale of services such as our Water Boards to private overseas investment companies, and now we find they have borrowed money to pay shareholders an annual dividend, and not invested the money into the Water Service itself. Now Thames Water for instance is 15 Billion in debt where once it had no debt, and we have raw sewage  running into our sea and rivers. In places like Lake Windermere it is the same problem. Ofwat was supposed to be monitoring them but did not obviously. Now the Taxpayer faces 75% to 100% water rate rises to try and rectify this and pay off the debt. It seems impossible. Then we have private investment in railways, gas and electricity services all which have failed. What was the alternative, nationalization? The NHS, and London Underground, the State education system are nationalized i.e. funded and paid by the Taxpayer, and what happens, they strike, and strike again, holding the Taxpayer to ransom by blackmail for higher and higher wages. The worst case of this is the Nurses and Junior doctors asking for 19% and 35% when the nation is an unprecedented 2.7 Trillion in debt. There seems to be no solution, because human nature is the problem. At present mass immigration means we have many peoples in the UK and EU nations demanding rights that have to be paid for, and like a family that keeps having children they cannot afford, we will all enter into chronic poverty, homelessness and crime if our leaders continue with the same immigration policies, i.e. no control. We will not even have the warm weather of Africa for instance while in that  poverty stricken state which is a major cost in European nations. We should not think that the UK/Britain is immune to not even being able to pay its pensions or free healthcare.


The Bible Predicted Collapse of Empires 3000 years ago, to emerge as multiple (193) Nations as we now are. Jesus Christ also predicted the dispersion of the Jews in 70AD when they were taken captive to Rome (Italy) and until power of the gentiles  (non Jews) over Jerusalem is ended. This has not happened yet but we might be coming to that point soon due to what is going in Gaza/Palestine/World Nations & Israel, Judah(Jews)Jerusalem. The Jews were stateless and hounded and homeless throughout the world since 70AD. They were  not allowed to return to the land they were forcibly removed from in 70AD and the land now called Israel since 1948, this was established by the United Nations following the Holocaust in WW2. Many  Arab and Muslim nations or peoples deny actually the Holocaust occurred and and most believe the nation of Israel should not exist, hence the Gaza attacks on Israel such as occurred om 07.10.24 and demand for a Palestinian state. They will not share the land, if a two state solution was agreed, they will invade further with similar attacks until they have chased the Jews out or killed them. This is not a war like other wars, it is based on very ancient beliefs and stories on both sides and 2 supposed "Holy" books saying different but similar things.

Belief is a powerful force in our lives, belief in ourselves to achieve something, and belief in a God. There are many religions and many deviations of each religion. Religions are often part of a nations identity and believed throughout that nation, which indicates that religions or "God" may well be a man made concept, as many believe is the case i.e. lslam is mostly in the Middle East, Christianity in Europe, India has multiple "God's". Israel is Jewish and is uniquely both their national identity and religion, though many are secular Jews, i.e. they do not believe in God. Religion has created many wars and divisions in society and nations, even now, where it has become detrimental to society once again, creating terrorism, wars and oppression. Religion has always been toxic to society due to misunderstanding the Bible & Qur'an in particular and when individuals do not read these books IN FULL themselves. We should not only rely on preachers of any religion, they may not have read these books in full themselves either, then we develop deviations of each religion and become more divided, because their preaching is based on only part of their "Holy" book, this includes Christian and Muslims. However, the Bible is the most significant widely read book in the world and which has the Jewish Torah and Prophets in it (called the Tanakh and in the Bible the Old Testament) and the Gospel of Jesus Christ (The New Testament in the Bible).It could be said that the Quran was the very first deviation of the Gospel Jesus brought, and many other Christian religions are various deviations from the original gospel writings that are in the Bible which have confused and divided us all, though not as dramatically as the Qur'an. The Qur'an is promoting a "Covenant of Death" with its suicidal bombings which Muslims say carries a promise of immediate paradise or life after death when martyred for God, which the Bible does not say/promise, but warns us of such a Covenant/Agreement with death (Isaiah 28). Islam also has at least two groups, Sunni and Shia, who believe/interpret differently The Qur'an and its leadership. Plus there 6 different version of the Hadiths, which are the "sayings" of the Prophet of the Qur'an when he was not under the trance like state he was in when he spoke the words of the Qur'an. Because of this it has been said that:  "Islamic Law is always based on someone's interpretation of the Shari'a (which is an interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith). Because it is a human interpretation, Islamic Law can mean different things in different places and at different times in history" ( Therefore there is NO consistent message, so anyone can create any message from it as it suits them. The Prophet of the Qur'an is the most serious deviation of the Gospel message as a new "Holy" book was created, the Qur'an, which among other things, confirms Jesus is the Messiah (anointed one of God) but not that he was the Son of God, even though it confirms the Mother of Jesus was Mary and that "no man touched her" or was involved in his conception. This is a contradiction in the story line of Qur'an and the known biological facts, i.e. that the man who conceives a child provides 23 of the Chromosomes, and the woman 23 chromosomes, making the man the Father and the child inherits the characteristics of the father by these chromosomes, and the same with Mother and her 23 chromosomes. As there was no man involved in the conception of Jesus, but conceived by the spirit and power of God, then the only logical conclusion is that God did conceive a son by miraculous means and Jesus is his Son, if we believe the story of his miraculous conception that the New Testament in the Bible AND the Qur'an promotes/confirms.This is a contradiction in the narrative of the Qur'an, i.e. it will never add up as a consistent story, and with such an error people should not be killing themselves or others in the hope that they will receive eternal life, as that may be an error of Qur'ans message also, i.e. we blow ourselves up but no guarantee the promise of paradise is true, but we die in vain. The Qur'an also confirms Jesus is already with God, and that we should acknowledge and follow all the Prophets of God and the "scriptures from aforetime" which are all the words in the Bible which contains the Jewish Torah, Prophets and writings. There are also multiple Christian faiths i.e Catholic, Baptist, Evangelical. Mormon etc, Mormon have also produced their own book with altered/added writings. All these Christian groups also have differing teachings, although most use the Bible as their only "Holy" book. The problem with 99% of Christian faith groups is that they teach that God is a "Trinity" in some way, which is not supported clearly in the Bible, about 3 verses may also have been altered after the 12th century that have made the "Trinity" concept look more likely, but it is an alteration that may have created an even stronger error of belief. The second error of teaching by the majority of Christians is that Jesus is God as well as the Son of God which also is not supported clearly in the Bible and cannot be true when the Bible is read thoroughly. The Qur'an to its credit is very explicit in saying that "God is not three", but the Muslims also need to to take note that the Qur'an is frequently referring us back to the Bible and to hear/believe all the Prophets. There are about 20 Prophets in the Bible which includes Jesus Christ and his words in the New Testament in the Bible. The Preachers of Islam tend to preach "there is a Torah that has not been changed" so that Muslim believers do not believe the current Torah we have (which is the first 5 books in the Bible, Genesis, Exodus etc) but they do not produce this other "unchanged" Torah. They then change the teaching and words of the current Torah we do have, which defeats the object of the exercise of discovering if there is "truth" to the verses in the Bible as it stands, which have all the writings in it that have been copied from ancient manuscripts discovered over the centuries, some of which were written/spoken 3000 years ago or more ago and which were copied and recopied by hand until the printing press was created and they were then printed en mass. Errors in the preaching of the Gospel may also have entered into the mix in 325 AD/CE when the Emperor Constantine called the church leaders/bishops together to discuss a controversial issue (and is still) as to whether Jesus was divine or a created being, and other church issues. It was at this time the Trinity teaching began to evolve with the "third" person of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus being God as well as the Son which is not clearly correct in the Bible. Then the Prophet of the Qur'an lived during 570 -632 AD/CE and the words of the Qur'an memorized by him and others until it was written down 700 AD/CE. However, elsewhere I read that his words were written down during his lifetime and the first Quran produced/written in 700 AD/CE. We can only find out what might be true about these books by reading them ourselves, as with any other book. We could bypass all the time this might take by reading the New Testament, which is remarkably different to most books and enough to convince a person of its potential "truth", but to understand fully the plan of God (if there is such a thing) and the current state of the world, then we need to read the full Bible, the Old Testament also.

Luke 21: 20-24 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

Below are some basics in the Bible that might explain where the future of humanity might be heading according to Bible prophecy/predictions. In particular how we came to be nation states and not Empires, what the Bible says about what is now happening in , and still named as, Gaza, Palestine, Jerusalem and Judah (the Jews), which is rather surprisingly relevant when we compare these words to current events in the area.

Daniel 2: 31 -39Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, stood before thee; and the form thereof was terrible. This image's head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron, his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation thereof before the king. Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold. And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.

The above is generally interpreted this way by many. It describes a symbolic man with a head of gold, arms and chest of silver, belly and thighs of brass, his legs of iron, and feet part iron part clay, being partly strong and partly weak, but also “they” will not mix with each other. It says a stone “not made with hands” strikes the feet and shatters it all i.e. the body of gold, brass, iron and clay is all shattered and blown away in the wind. The stone that shattered them becomes a symbolic mountain and consumes all kingdoms and covers the whole earth and will stand for ever, i.e. it will not be overcome by another power/king/Government again. It is generally understood that the gold head was the kingdom of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar its King and the one Empire of the world at that time.. This was in the area now called Iraq. Then the arms and legs of silver are Media and Persia, as the single kingdom of Babylon was afterwards divided into 2 kingdoms. Persia is now modern day Iran, and Media the areas around Iran , i.e. Kurdistan, Azerbaijan. The chest of brass was the Greek Empire, the legs of iron the Roman Empire (Italy) and the iron and miry clay of feet represents the collapse of all Empires and most Kingdoms which has gradually happened before WW1 and significantly since WW2. There are now 195 nation states in the world and no Empires. The peoples of all nations do not “mix” that well due to differences in race and “thinking” as despite the words we often hear repeated “we have more in common than that which divides us” I feel is not a reliable “truth”. Mankind actually tends to war against each other as individuals and nations for the MASSIVE differences we have in belief, upbringing, religion, politics, in addition to the national wars for land, its materials and/or political power. As Einstein has pointed out, our "thinking" is followed by actions and creates the world we are in. Currently "woke" and transgender teaching in schools is leading to children "thinking" they might be a boy or girl. Our thinking can mould the world and its people more than most realise. The stone made without hands is symbolically Jesus Christ and his Gospel message which crashed into the legs and feet of the Roman Empire, which was the Empire in power over Israel at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth and life. His purpose it seems, is to set up the “Kingdom (Government) of God” that he will then be the Governor/King over all nations, for all time when he returns to rule from Jerusalem with  a certain number of believers, which is explained elsewhere in the Bible.

Isaiah 9: 6-7 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

It seems Jesus will be assisted by those who have believed his message since his death and resurrection.  They will become part of the “first resurrection” when God by his Spirit in Jesus Christ and those who believed his message will raise them from death to eternal life (as he has himself has been raised at the time of the crucifixion ) when he himself returns to the world to rule the nations from Jerusalem. This first resurrection will include both Jews (only those who have also accepted the Gospel message and Jesus as the Son of God) and the Gentiles (non Jews) that believed in the gospel during their lifetime. They will rule for a 1000 years at the end of which there will be one final battle against Jesus and those of the first resurrection, also called his “saints”.  The battle will be with those who are alive and who still disbelieve and reject the rule of God and Jesus amazingly. These "Saints" are those who believed in the Gospel but are not necessarily those ordained by the Catholic Church, which is a “Sainthood” created by man and not reliable. We can only assume by the words used in the Bible that there will be those still living during this 1000 years, some still being born even after Jesus has returned with those in the first resurrection. However, before the return of Jesus, there seems be a great trouble and destruction of many people. This seems to be triggered by a battle with Israel and all/many nations coming against Israel. After reading the Bible in full, Israel seems to be a people created by God to show his power and presence in the world in order that we believe in the one God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob* (*Jacob who was renamed Israel by God), which is still a work in progress as outlined in the Bible.  Following this last battle there is a resurrection and Judgement of ALL those that have ever lived from Adam and Eve until the present day, but this time some will be given everlasting life and some given everlasting death depending on their works/actions in their lifetime. It is uncertain how this everlasting death (my words) will be experienced. Read the Bible or New Testament at least and make your own judgement. After this period of judgement resulting in everlasting life, or a second death of many, there is a new or renewed heaven and earth where Jesus rules on equal basis with all people now living, as all have submitted and acknowledged God and have his spirit IN them, as Jesus has received God's Spirit IN him from the moment he was baptized. In this manner God “dwells with us” and is also IN Jesus, who is the only representation of God to mankind at any time now or in the future. However, Jesus is NOT God, he is the Son of God and the Son of Man, having been conceived by God’s power and by Mary who is of mankind. The Holy Ghost/Spirit IS Gods spirit now living in us and IN Jesus when we read or hear the words of Jesus in the Bible. There is NO trinity of persons, it is just God who is an invisible Spirit with all power, and Jesus his Son to whom he has passed all authority and power by his Spirit living IN Jesus which he received when baptized as we do when we believe. The plan of God was that Jesus has been anointed with God's Spirit, and to those who believe that he is the Son of God who  was then crucified for our sins/errors. He was resurrected to show the "way" that God dwells in those that believe and will raise us from death by his Spirit now in us when we believe in the words and Gospel of Jesus in the New Testament. Yet the first resurrection of believers that come with Jesus when he returns, or if living at the time they will be “changed” at that moment to join those who return and have been resurrected from death . Being part of the first resurrection looks more to be about being part of the “kingdom” or "Government" of God, Jesus being the King/Governor on equal basis with those who rule and come with him on his return. This would seem to be with  those who remain alive after the great battle of nations that will have occurred, and triggered by a war with Israel as is predicted/prophesied below. After the 1000 year rule there is another short battle with those of mankind who are against/reject Jesus and God and those ruling with him from Jerusalem. It seems rather far fetched, yet rather impressively detailed, something that could make sense if we are hoping for the miraculous life after death and that has a realistic logical detailed plan of the process and its future. There are the prophesies in Zepheniah and Joel  below which were spoken/written maybe 2000- 3000 years ago yet read now as if a Journalist had asked God a question about Gaza and Israel and God replies directly about the current events and  his opinion on Gaza, Palestine, Judah (Jews), Jerusalem and the nations of the world. I find it amazing that such a old Book as the Bible even mentions the name of Gaza and Palestine a tiny, tiny plot of land that is now a trigger of war and dispute with the nations of the world and the Jews/Judah. We should at least be aware of these words...just in case...and make our own decision, Muslims also.

However during the 1000 years , Jesus and those resurrected with him,  rule with the power and Spirit of God in them and by the word spoken, which it seems will carry power to punish from afar and to reprimand physically from afar those that continue to seek power by aggression. Revelation 2: 26 -27 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. Revelation 19: 13-16  And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.

Zepheniah 2 : 1-15 Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired; Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you. Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger. For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up. Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines (Gaza), I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant. And the sea coast shall be dwellings and cottages for shepherds, and folds for flocks. And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Judah (the Jews); they shall feed thereupon: in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening: for the LORD their God shall visit them (the Jews), and turn away their captivity. I have heard the reproach of Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon, whereby they have reproached my people (the Jews), and magnified themselves against their border. Therefore as I live, saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding of nettles, and saltpits, and a perpetual desolation: the residue of my people (the Jews) shall spoil them, and the remnant of my people shall possess them. This shall they (the nations mentioned) have for their pride, because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the people (the Jews) of the LORD of hosts. The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen (those who believe in no God). Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by my sword. And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq) a desolation, and dry like a wilderness. And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the cormorant and the bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it; their voice shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the thresholds: for he shall uncover the cedar work. This is the rejoicing city that dwelt carelessly, that said in her heart, I am, and there is none beside me: how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! every one that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his hand.

Joel 3: 1-21 For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. Yea, and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head; Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things: The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians (now in past history), that ye might remove them far from their border. Behold, I will raise them out of the place whither ye have sold them, and will return your recompence upon your own head: And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the LORD hath spoken it .Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles (all non Jews); Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD.Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness (iniquity) is great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.  my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim. Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land. But Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation .For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the LORD dwelleth in Zion.

Luke 21: 25-36 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring (rising sea levels?); Men's hearts failing them for fear (as they cannot control it)and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man (Jesus Christ) coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads (do not fear if you believe/follow the Gospel); for your redemption draweth nigh.And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. Be Watchful. And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

It would seem that Spirit and words are interchangeable and we humans are the image (likeness) of God and Jesus Christ as we have a spirit in us, which is the ability to think and speak. My words are MY human spirit which go forth as I  speak with any person, and people might remember my words and are affected for good or ill by my words. My spirit lives with them as they remember my words, and as I remember their words and their spirit lives with me. With God's words in the New Testament spoken by Jesus Christ, these words are God's Spirit entering into us and staying with us if we believe them and hope/believe they are true. The Words Jesus spoke which were Gods words, also carry the creative  power of God, as do the Words of Jesus Christ, but only when we believe them, as even Jesus Christ did not do miracles when people did not believe he was the Messiah (anointed one) or Son of God. Elsewhere in the New Testament Jesus says God's will is that we live again after death and the words of Jesus are the "way" to obtain this life.  Its the words that we believe that leads to life, and ONLY those words in the New Testament that Jesus spoke. The Quran does not have anything like these words and narrative/storyline of the gospel. It would seem that neither the Quran, nor any other religion will lead anyone to eternal life, simply because it is only the Bible that has the full story about God and his plan with prophecies for the future and that "words" are spirit and certain words are the key everlasting life. These "words" say they will be proved to us, and proof of God, as we live our lives believing it, as miracles or other more subtle things occur. Yet we must also be aware that most Christian churches are not preaching the Gospel as it is meant to be, as explained briefly on this website.

And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which see's the Son,

and believes on him, may have everlasting life:

 and I will raise him up at the last day. 

John 6:40 

There are two errors in the Christian understanding/preaching of the Gospel  1)There is NO trinity and 2)Jesus is Son of God only with the Spirit of God IN him, also called the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit/the Father/the Comforter/Spirit of Truth, which we also have IN us when we believe and that will raise us to life after death. Jesus is not God as well as the Son of God, he said himself "I go to my Father and your father, my God and your God (John 20:7). I may be one of a few saying this but that does not make us wrong. The error of this teaching is in 99% of Christian Churches and  may be why we do not see very much the miracle of healing of the sick, God cannot confirm an error of his message perhaps.


God is not 3, Triune nor Trinity,

God is One and Jesus Christ

His only BORN  Son.

Anointed Appointed

by God.

The King of Glory.


“God with us”.

The image of the invisible God.

For make no mistake,

we will die in our sin,

without Him.

For God was IN Christ


the world to Himself.

For God is a Spirit,

and Spirit is Words,

and God was IN Christ,

speaking HIS Word.

God’s Spirit,

the Lord of Hosts

the Holy Ghost.

Now dwelling IN ALL,

that believe in the Son,


He has won.

And let all the earth know,

before it’s too late.

**That THIS is life eternal,

that they might know thee

the only true God,

and Jesus Christ,

whom thou hast sent.


BIBLE: **John 17:3 John 1: 1-18/ Isaiah 7:14 / Isaiah 9:6-7/ Mathew 1:23/Luke 1:26-38/Colossians 1:15/Psalm 24 /John 8:21-24/2 Corinthians 5:17-21/John 6:63, 4:24/ John 12:44-5/Isaiah 42;1-4/Luke 4:16-21/Mathew 3:11-17/Acts 2:1-21,8:15-17/Isaiah 45:22/John 18: 28-38/Acts 3:18-26/Hebrews 1 Hebrews 3/John 13:1-17, 13:34-35, 20:17/John 17:1-3 / John Chapters 14, 15,16,17. QUR’AN: Surah 3:45-50/ Surah 2: 87/Surah 3:84/Surah 5:72-73/Surah 3:55 /*Surah 4:136/*Surah 4:150-152(*Scripture from “aforetime” mentioned in the Quran is the writings of the Bible/Torah/tTanakh. The Qur’an says to “make no distinction between the Prophets” i.e. that we should read all of them, including those from “aforetime” i.e. those in the Bible which includes Jesus and the 20 or so Jewish Prophets in the Old Testament which are the “scriptures from aforetime” as is the The New Testament in the Bible.


The Land God Gave Abraham Now called Israel.

Genesis 15: 12-18 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years (enslaved by Pharaoh of Egypt-See Exodus); And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. And thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram (God changed name to Abraham), saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt (Wady el Arish) unto the great river, the river Euphrates: (map Going by maps it seems not to be from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean that the Palestinian chant claims ( that area seems to not include Gaza but does in include the West Bank which includes the city of Jerusalem. The land actually supposed to be Israels as supposedly declared by God, is from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates as per one of the maps on the following link, which also shows other maps of the various borders over the decades depending on the Empire or nation state in control of the area at the time before 1948:

Yet whose land is it, man’s or Gods? God seems to think he can build up one kingdom/nation over another and pull it down at will. There could be some truth to that as how did small nations like England, Greece, Italy (Roman) become such large Empires and then they become a shell of themselves after their Empire's collapse. Spain was somewhat larger but not in population maybe, it collapsed just the same.. If we believe there is no God that set up the nation of Israel and the Jewish nation, then mankind can decide its future, whether they do it justly or from racial or religious bias is another matter, but I suppose if there is no God, or truth, it does not matter really what we do. Society is already creeping towards the bizarre, transgender teaching to children of 5 upwards being the most strange. We forget that if we give special protection via DEI to those with "special characteristics"  and who are minority groups with minority group opinion, and then the majority are not allowed to speak against this opinion we will have a very confused society. If the children and youth are brainwashed into thinking Transgender style of life and thinking is "truth" we will allow minority groups to mould the minds of the vulnerable young who will become a brainwashed, peculiar, of confused society adults that will have no hope.  It is not even following biological norms, as with same sex marriage, yet we have laws that say that we must say nothing... ..unless we agree. No free speech there then. Let the minorities live as they wish, but do not make it law and part of state education with special attention and laws that gives their opinion and live style a superiority that is leading us to a very strange world where no one knows where they stand or what they can do or say. I would be very upset if I thought I was dating a man and then find out he was a woman or had been at some point. But the media do not touch on the affect of these policies on the majority population, or how we feel, even though we pay all the taxes for the costs of these "protected characteristic" demands, be they about, race, gender, immigrant etc etc.

The Promise made to Abraham For Ishmael and his descendants, the Middle Eastern nations

Genesis 21:9-13 And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, which she had born unto Abraham, mocking. Wherefore she said unto Abraham, Cast out this bondwoman and her son: for the son(Ishmael) of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, even with Isaac. And the thing was very grievous in Abraham's sight because of his son. And God said unto Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. And also of the son (Ishmael) of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed. 

God promised that Ishmael and his descendants would be blessed also and he went on to conceive 12 sons and understood to be the Middle Eastern nations.They have been blessed with many nations with oil that has made them rich, but Israel seems to play a part in how we ALL come to understand and receive “life after death. However, it seems we ALL have an individual decision to make, about who and what we believe about God and the religion that REALLY WILL/MIGHT bring life after death, but we have to understand how and why.  1 John 5 :20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

Please also see: (or is it true).

A CERTAIN RIDDLE ABOUT A TREE (Based on Genesis Chapters 1 to 3) In answer to... Surah 2:23 ..The Missing Link..Surah 115: 1-18

"And if you are in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto our slave (Mohammed),them produce a surah (verse/chapter)or the like thereof, and call your witnesses beside Allah if ye are truthful" I  write below  Surah 115: 1-18   and call the witnesses of Islam to discuss the Truth as allowed  by Surah 2:23 above.For as the Preachers of Christ are in error,  so is  the Qur'an, The difference is the  Muslim  preachers are not in completely in  error, for the words of the  Qur'an support what ISIS preach, warfare and oppression. It does also have in it that "there is no compulsion in religion" which is ignored as there are contradictory verses to that.  The difference is the   Bible might carry  the truth as its  "fruit" has   eventually  created  the  democracies of the world, peace, and the welfare state. The "fruit" of the Qur'an has created the Islamic nations of oppression and terrorism which command is to overcome all religions. Whether we believe in God or not, we must consider the battle of the words about God, to know the narrative, the "story line",  to see if either stand the test of logic or possibility, to consider the prediction in them, whether there are any that relate to what has actually happened in the world  over the centuries, that might mean  the possibility  or eternal life might also come, but also regretfully the troubles, though maybe we could all avoid that if we all believed and followed  the "culture of Christ" and we all become  a "race apart" according to that culture, based on mercy and truth, which I think is the ultimate aim of the Kingdom of God,  he will choose people who who choose his ways, as per  the Gospel and preaching in the New Testament, but not according to the Trinity teaching, nor of Jesus being the God as well as the Son, he is the Son of God with the  Spirit of God in him, as we will also be, for that is "the way..the truth and  to the (eternal) life for all who choose to seek it out. It is not easy.

Mathew 7: 15-27 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. And  good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

Both Christians and Muslims  preach deviations from the Bible, and we lose gospel message  in it  that  leads away from the "Truth" it  perhaps contains,    while  also relying on it for their  various multi faiths. The Jewish faith is the basis of both,  but mankind has expanded the message and either the Gospel leads to the  truth about eternal life, or the Qur'an.  Neither could be true of course, that is our decision to make, our own  eternal life is in our own  hands, or mouth. The Jews have just  played their part as  having been set up  (it would seem)  by God, to be sign to the world of his presence and  to produce the Messiah,  Son of God  to lead  us to  the  "way" to eternal  life and truth. Now we must also  put things of faith " in order "and decide the path  it is we take individually.

Isaiah 44: 6-8  Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. And who, as I, shall call, and shall declare it, and set it in order for me, since I appointed the ancient people? and the things that are coming, and shall come, let them shew unto them. Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that time, and have declared it? ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

So we all  must decide if there is just  ONE truth and faith,   and  only one  "way" leading to  life after death , and NOT many ways to that end.

"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision" Joel 3 :14 


(Based on Genesis Chapters 1 to 3)

In answer to... Surah 2:23 ..The Missing Link..Surah 115: 1-18

"And if you are in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto our slave (Mohammed),

them produce a surah (verse/chapter)or the like thereof, and call your witnesses beside Allah if ye are truthful"

Surah 115: 1-18   

Please call  the witnesses of Islam to discuss the Truth as allowed by Surah 2:23 above.

We will tell you a Certain Story

For it is surely very Certain.

We will tell you in a verse

For it is better that it serves.


You heard about this story

From a Book so very old.

You read it many times

Yet perhaps  the trail is cold.


It seemed there was a Spirit

Full of Power Love and Writ.

The Spirit spoke a Word

And the Word, it always stirred.


The World was then created

The Stars the Moon the Sun.

Suddenly mankind rose up

To kiss the God who won.


Then Mankind was in the Garden

And all things were at One.

The God he wanted friendship

But Man he seemed  to….. trip.


The Man he ate the Apple

A simple thing you see.

But you have to look far deeper

In this Word that is the Tree.


The Apple of the Knowledge

That was God’s alone to bear.

The Apple of the Life

He surely would not dare.


For if you may not know

The Tree of Life was there.

That you may live forever

If only you would care.


But Man he always murders

Turns to hate and power.

Forgets about the God

And  all things then turn sour.

So Mankind now stripped naked

No God to cover sin.

He sought to live without Him

Man thought that he could win.


But always death prevailed

His lifetime three score ten.

His Knowledge though increased

The fruit of Life curtailed.


Now why is this you wonder

As you read and read this Book.

That God had left aside for you

Perchance that you may look.


The Tree of Life it had a Sword

Protection blazing every way.

No man could ever touch its fruit

For God,  he had to Say.


And this the Word God said

My Word I made My Son.

In Him you must believe

For  surely he has won.


My Son I give my Power

Knowledge, Wisdom, Life.

In him is all you need

He is my only Seed.


I made him God and King

For “I AM” the one in Him.

In him is all you heard

My Spirit  is as his Word.


The Blazing Sword around the Tree

Is entered through the Word.

The Sword itself it is the Word

I trust that you will see.


The Sword itself it is the Word

The Tree of Life its fruit.

My Son, if you will only hear

Will lead you to the Truth.



Key Policy 1 Secure and independently financed but government recognized and BBC promoted Direct Democracy Petition site that the nation collectively votes on specific keys issues that the MPs say the nation is in agreement with, but we may certainly not be and they cannot possible know i.e.Petition questions a) Should Transgender be banned from schools until 18 and no trans treatment other than general counselling about life and their family situation with full information of the side affects of trans treatment, and the statistics who try reverse it. b) Should we come out of ECHR, UN Asylum Laws and reverse 2014 Equalities Act. c) Should we promote voluntary max 2 children per woman in order to reduce global population from 8 billion to 4 billion to tackle climate change etc etc.  All petitions should have a 10 mins video with pros and cons so that all voting have the basic information before voting. This should be set up regardless of which party is in power to that the "people " have power to make their views known regardless of the Government. I suggest Matt Goodwin to establish this or to seek his advice. A new simple 1 hour video for teenagers and adults alike to provide basics of Government spending and what each party represents and the background and recent political history. Most know very little and vote on peer group soundbites or parental and religious pressure.

Key Policy 2:   Introduce  a law to ban  Political Parties  that are black only/Black Lives Matter, or Muslim  or any similar faction, race   or religion based group.  Plus we need a law to  ban the  Black Lives Matter group which  is racist and incites racism and discord thought societies and I think has increased  racism, not deceased it, as it has  unjust demands on the host population in any nation. Taking down statues, changing education system and history, altering various books and TV programmes. etc etc. with no vote.

Key Policy 3 Common Courtesy Culture Whatever race/culture we are from there should be a Common Courtesy Culture for us all in the Uk and the world, regardless of race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation. However, Black Lives Matter (BLM) should be banned, as they are divisive and racist and are rehashing a dangerous already tested and failed political Marxist/ Communist philosophy. It was proven ineffective by Russia and the collapse of the Berlin Wall in 1989. BLM have now conflated (mixed is up) Marxism/Communism with racism, even as the Labour Party and the Unions are diluted version of the same and always bring the UK to its knees financially. Socialism/Communism/Marxism are failed systems and end up in dictatorships as Russian now is and who rely on force and war to seek power and influence. That does not mean that being a capitalist and Conservative is perfect, but it does allow for democracies and freedom to flourish like no other system, but is currently leading to a new "woke" philosophy which promotes minority group opinion without and agreement or vote from the population as a whole, i.e. same sex marriage, transgender teaching in schools, biased teaching on slavery following BLM riots, faith schools society, mass immigration. The problem with democracy is that this also only works for as long as a good leader emerges, and if not disaster, can still result. Proportional representation we see in other nations does not work as either as often the minority groups get together and form a Government in which the majority vote has no place. This is particularly happening in Spain (2023/240) and destroying certain basic rights. The UK has passed D.E.I. laws to stop racism (2010 Equality Act) but the new hate speech emerging from D.E.I. to stop other hate speech are now oppressing free speech, as well as basic communication between peoples. Those minority groups that are protected (age, gender reassignment,being married or in a civil partnership,  being pregnant or on maternity leave, disability, race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation) can accuse others without real cause i.e. asking someone "where are you from", or being deemed a racist just by being of white skin colour. The English in particular are now not allowed to think or speak, as just by existing we are racist, i.e. unconscious bias and white fragility. Even though England is our own nation and immigrants came this nation of their own free will, and can return of their own free will if they wish. They all do have their own lands, some even have their own homes in these lands still, while also having obtained a Council property in the UK where many English cannot now obtain these as they once did due to mass immigration and asylum demands. In 1998. The housing crisis we now have is a result of years of mass immigration since 1993 in particular and the Maastricht Treaty and the Buy to Let Mortgages that have made a business model out for first time buyer homes so that small business Landlords have bought up these homes en masse and now selling whole portfolios to larger business and even overseas investors, squeezing out first time buyers. Right to Buy of Council and Housing Trust Homes has also lost millions of low rent homes that assisted some save and then able to bridge the gap between a Council renter to purchase on the open market. Lastly, new properties, even houses, are being built with Leasehold not Freehold, with excessive increasing Service Charges and Ground Rents, I thought "Share of Freehold" was brought into eradicate ALL such Leaseholds which is a money spinner for the very rich. 


Right to family Life: Having more than 2 Children is a self imposed family & national poverty and will destroy the planet.(Worldwide leaders & individuals must take control of global warming and voluntarily have 2 or less children. Rich nations have 2 or less children, poor nations have 4 to 10 as the UK once did, when we were also poor)

Right to follow a religion: Yet Some Holy Book's (Qur'an) say a women can be "scourged" at times.(We will never stop terrorism/violence generally or against women if Human Rights Protect a Religion with such words) The Qur'an says its followers should not "befriend Jews & Christians" which is racist/discriminatory.We will never stop division or have racial integration with such words protected by International Human Rights as a "truth" in a Holy Book, how can society respect its leaders when we see such foolish contradictions. Cultures allowing Honour killing is murder. Female Genital Mutilation is child physical abuse.There should be no "equality" to be claimed for cultures practicing the above, they are ancient tribal traditions based on a man made error of thought/belief/culture and should be taught as such in schools. Black Lives Matter is Racist By Name and Seeks Anarchy/Superiority/Government Control, Not Equality. Society will not progress with aims of defunding the Police, making hero's of criminals, burning the host nation flag, taking the knee and "raising the fist" against the society (it should be banned), destroying the history and the features of a host nation by riot, Transgender Teaching In Schools: Children should not be "taught" transgender, it is a minority group issue and some feel is a psychological/mental health/emotional issue as many who apply for this life option already have other mental health issues, i.e self harm, anorexia, bulimia, autism. It is also It is destabilizing ALL children, who will then think it is a choice they must/can make. Some do and then regret it. Psychologically, what child can deal with deciding if they are male or female before 18? Schooldays are full of bullies and it endangers children who may easily be led into this alternative lifestyle thinking is is the "norm" creating unnecessary new mental health issues for ALL children. Those girls who might be "tomboys" due to having brothers, or being more sporty, will have pressure put on them "would you like to be a boy really do you think", they are likely to say "Yes" without having any idea what they are agreeing to. This may lead to notes in their school reports to counsel them on transgender and lead them into that lifestyle. Children are very impressionable, as the quote goes "give me a child until 7 and I will show you the man/woman" i.e. what we learn in those first 7 years moulds us for better or worse for a lifetime. We can even see from those who have committed serious crimes, that many have suffered great abuse or lack love and attention when children. It is hard to judge them as responsible when they have not experienced any norms of family life. We learn how to be human or inhumane from other humans throughout life. We would be better teaching children about bullying and identifying this at primary school and counseling the bullies so they do not become adults that bully. Transgender issues should not introduced until 16 in schools. Research should be made on children living in same sex marriages and those who have chosen a transgender lifestyle. In the meantime there should not be medical or surgical options offered before 18, in this, Russia may be correct in withholding gay interactions before 18, perhaps 16 should be the time to allow serious discussion. We can be kind to minority groups but we should not be imposing minority group choices onto the majority. We should be protecting children from peer and social pressures to "try out" minority group lifestyles that could affect their lifetime development and mental/emotional well being. Sometimes leaving them in a state of "limbo" if they have life changing surgery/medication that cannot be reversed when they find they still feel at odds with themselves. It should be remembered that transgender are those who "think/feel" they are of the different gender or even "multi gender", we can automatically conclude it is psychological issue, the normal biological state of a human is male /female relationships in order to procreate, yet I do not think I am allowed to say that anything as abnormal now, and this is the problem, laws on human behaviour have become so complex it is impossible to live freely, even as a law abiding peace loving adult person. How do we expect children to deal with such world?  

Key Policy 5: Safely Change Parliamentary Politics in the UK and Worldwide by more “Independents” standing For Election leading to Direct Democracy by use of Independent  petition site with guidance videos with pros and cons of any new  policy suggestion. Coalition Government Systems, or Proportional Representation do not work well. Little agreement is reached and Governments then fail as too many elections are then called creating instability. The Uk 2 party System of "first past the post" of (usually) Labour and Conservatives, also does not work well, as Labour creates Policies to spend Taxpayers money on the population to win their votes and gain power. These policies are usually not financially sensible/feasible and then the Taxpayer funds run out. The Conservatives win back power again (as in 2010) as the nation is in dire financial problems, and they have to sort the finances out again before the nation goes bankrupt. We currently swing from “left to right” Politics and each cancels out the others policies and we make slow, or no progress. If we have more "Independents" standing with their own Policies and/or adopting some or all of the Policies of the current Political Parties that they adhere to, they then stand as “Independent Labour”, “Independent Conservative” "Independent Green” "Independent Reclaim", etc. But "Independents" will not be part of any “whip”, as they will not need to go through the "vetting" process of a relevant Party if they are "Independent". Usually if any of us are selected by a Party to stand for them in an area, we are then obliged to vote according to the Party requirements, which is often against our conscience or "better judgement". There will also be "Independents “ who do not want to identify with any Party and want their own policies but with a mix of the various other Party Policies if they choose. Finally there will also be the "British International Independent Party" "Independents" (BIIP), taking on some, or all of these Policies on this website, and any others they wish to support of other Parties, and/or their own unique policies. This way all "Independents" choose Policies that they believe will take Britain and the world forward , focusing not on the good for their party and what will get them elected, or for the good of THEIR culture, religion or race at the expense of the "common good" of the Britain and the World. Then a full range of ideas will be put forward for the future of the UK and the world, that those elected are free to support or not.  Even democracy is "only as good as those elected" or even those voting, we all "think" and judge differently because of our age, experience, culture, religion, education, parental and societies input. If the above system is successful, we could gradually have many “Independents” elected, then there will come a point when the following could apply: When an election is over, the new MPs elect the Prime Minister (PM) out of all those newly elected MPs. The PM then elects his “Cabinet” out of all of those new MPs elected. Currently the winning Party elects the cabinet only from their own party. However, MPs and the public do not always agree fully with any one Party and its Policies, and we limit freedom of political thought and action and do not chose what is best necessarily. We do not need the Government to set up this system, we can just begin by standing as “Independents” along the above lines and it will develop naturally. If this is what the public want, they will start electing "Independents" until most, or all MPs are Independents. In conjunction with this policy we must also bring in Key Policy 3 and 4 to ensure the public can vote with some knowledge This way we may leave behind left/right policies and Political Parties that make themselves “different”, only with damaging opposing policies, just for the sake of getting into power. If it works in the UK. other nations might follow, even the authoritarian regimes. The UK and the world needs to move forward quickly with good and sensible ideas, to include addressing the Global Warming problem. These ideas should not be hard to identify if we remove partisan motives, i.e. based only culture, class, woke or other preferences. We need to look at the resources, weaknesses and strengths of our own nation, and the problems and strengths of other nations. This to include Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Africa, South America, in order to create a NEW more inclusive prosperity and security worldwide. If we do not do this, it will be too late to regain control of Global Warming and potential worldwide national bankruptcy and failed nation status of even the successful nations. The UK and Europe and some other nations cannot sustain immigration of all the poor and war torn of the world, particularly if those that arrive as immigrants, refugees or Asylum seekers, still maintain large families they cannot afford but expect the Governments (the Taxpayer) to support. Even the rich "West" will not be able to sustain this. The "poor" also have to be "responsible" and only have children they can afford, i..e no more than two. There is an obvious but perhaps undocumented direct correlation between family size and poverty in the family, which flows into poverty for the nation.

Key Policy 6:  “Baseline Education Degree By DVD for UK & Worldwide”. Compulsory for children from age 11 at school. This part of the Policy should be introduced in the last term of primary school, perhaps all day viewing within 4 weeks and with short voluntary discussion, and again at age 13 and then repeated at 16 perhaps for those teenagers that are not progressing academically, those excluded, or adults in prison.  They could watch these DVDs or films on You Tube so that even the non academic, or not now in school, have a "Baseline" knowledge of the world and its major events and accomplishments.  These should also be promoted worldwide and accessed free (the books will have to be purchased) so that worldwide we all have a similar "Baseline" Knowledge of Life and the World on which to build. We learn best by having a basic "baseline" and then we add to it as live day to day, or with additional study. Certain basic Knowledge gives us mental/emotional stability, and takes away inferiority, it allows those who cannot read or write to "know" basic issues and via DVDS or by You Tube, they can be watched numerous times in life. It will take away a "little" of the mystery between those that are academic and those that are not, and begin to remove that "divide". Just a little. Suggestions to start this off until specific briefer ones can be made maybe:

1) History of the World by Andrew Marr

2) The Wonders Collection with Prof. Brian Cox (Wonders of the Solar System)

3) The Story of Science Presented by Michael Mosely

4) Darwins Dangerous Idea presented by Andrew Marr

5) The Richard Dawkins Collection Presented by Richard Dawkins

6) A History of Christianity presented by Diarmaid MacCulloch

7) Jerusalem The Making of a Holy City Presented by Simon Sebag Montefiore.

8) World at War Series Narrated by Laurence Olivier

9) Life of Mohamed Presented by Rageh Omaar. 

10) BOOK: Usbourne Politics For Beginners By Alex Frith/Rosie Hore

11) BOOK: Religion in Minutes By Marcus Weeks

12)The Worldly Philosophers by Robert HeilBroner

13) Big Ideas in Brief by Ian Croften

14) (Self help book title to follow)

15) (DVD Title To Follow on Slavery: Ancient to Current Day)

16) (DVD Title To Follow on Empires of the World from Ancient times to Modern Day)

17) ( DVD Title To Follow on A Brief History of Every Nation)

18) (DVD Title To follow on Basic Politics and Economics so that the public can vote with same basic knowledge at least)

Key Policy 7: Police Lives Matter V Black Lives Matter;
   New Guidelines/Law : How To Respond To The Police & Assist Them, And Be Safe.

1) Do not run

2) Do what they ask

3) Do not be rude

4) Answer questions politely

5) Remember they do not know if you have a gun, a knife, or are a terrorist, for appearances are deceptive.

6) If you are stopped by Police and are obstructive, rude or run, YOU are the one at fault and may be charged.

7) Police stop/investigate people of all cultures because all cultures commit crime. It is not racism.

8) Their job is to protect us and they risk their lives daily, help them to help you, and the rest of society. 

9) Do your part, report anything suspicious and be a witness if asked.

10) Police are there to support the law abiding, not the criminals, do not behave like one and run.

11) Do not support any sort of criminal activity, report it

12) To riot to support a criminal who has been shot or died resisting the Police is supporting crime, that itself is a crime.

13) Do not be kind to crime, help prevent it.

 14) Help the Police to help you.

Many of those currently shot by Police in the USA or UK have been criminals, including Floyd/Blake/Duggan for whom violent masses have rioted and caused damage. Floyd once took a gun to a pregnant women's stomach, are these the people we want to protect? They care not for the law abiding citizen, maybe those that riot are not law abiding (many wear masks when rioting) is this why they demand defunding of the Police? Many others have been carrying guns, on drugs, aggressively resisting Police (this includes those with mental health who also kill others), or running from the Police. Soon we will not have police willing protect the law abiding public and crime and corruption will be rife.  If Police go out to work each day and they are faced with the choice of either being shot themselves, or shooting too soon and then facing a murder charge, understandably there will be none with integrity willing to be a Policeman. There are many in society that think those involved in crime should not take responsiblity for their actions, even a breach of traffic law is a crime, dumping rubbish is a crime, noise and nuisance is a crime. Many do not know what it means to obey the law and that to run with a gun or knife and then throw it down at the last minute IS obeying the law, or that running from the Police, ignoring them, or refusing a request from them is acceptable. It is not.

Key Policy 8.  New Leadership Goals For All Youth In Schools & For Schools/Prisons/Promoting Of The Duke Of Edinburgh's Award For Those In Particular That Are Without Guidance At Home .  The Award is was somewhat based on Six Declines of Modern Youth By Kurt Hahn (Founder of Gordorstoun School that the Duke of Edinburgh Attended). During his lifetime, Hahn summarized his beliefs about the younger generation at the time into six points, of which are collectively known as the Six Declines of Modern Youth:

  1. Decline of Fitness due to modern methods of locomotion;
  2. Decline of Initiative and Enterprise due to the widespread disease of spectatoritis (i.e. "excessive indulgence in forms of amusement in which one is a passive spectator rather than an active participant");[14]
  3. Decline of Memory and Imagination due to the confused restlessness of modern life;
  4. Decline of Skill and Care due to the weakened tradition of craftsmanship;
  5. Decline of Self-discipline due to the ever-present availability of stimulants and tranquilisers;
  6. Decline of Compassion due to the unseemly haste with which modern life is conducted or, as William Temple called it, "spiritual death".

Hahn also proposed four solutions to these problems:

  1. Fitness Training (e.g., to compete with oneself in physical fitness; in so doing, train the discipline and determination of the mind through the body);
  2. Expeditions (e.g., via sea or land, to engage in long, challenging endurance tasks);
  3. Projects (e.g., involving crafts and manual skills);
  4. Rescue Service (e.g., surf lifesaving, fire fighting, first aid).

"There Is More In You than You Know" 

(Duke Of Edinbugh)

 Key Policy 9  Strikes To Be Made Illegal, They Have Become A Legalised Blackmail By A Minority To Harm the Majority, Even the NHS Doctors Have Risked Lives In Strikes, now (2022) Nurses, doctors, lawyers, railways, post office workers, dockmen are all onstrikes or threatening strikes. This after Covid and now a Energy crisis due the war in Ukraine. Strikes are also a means to create revolution and destabilise the Government. Inflated wages create inflation and a vicious circle results. If we want revolution, it usually ends badly and the bullies and Marxists get into power which lead to bankruptcy and dictatorship.  Instead we should set up an improved ACAS with public jury type system for major disputes. So a dispute is registered and then 6 or 12 Jury of the public called. Then a Union Rep, workers specialist for both sides to provide evidence, Parliament Representative to provide long term costs of a pay rise and economic situation. The Jury should be from the public with an equal mix of male/female and over 40 years of age. The alternative to this that Strikes are made illegal in the public services at least that the Taxpayer pays, and a wage review of public services every year is made, and this is binding as it is the taxpayer paying. Private companies can hire and fire as they like if anyone goes on strike, the mass redundcy of the P & O case should not be vilified if the business was near bankruptcy. A company can only exist if it is making money, and even now many Unions have unreasonable "rules" the companies or public service institutions cannot do to their staff.


Key Policy 10:   We should establish a "School for Leaders" or a "Course for Leaders" starting at 16 on to "A" and degree level based on some of the ethics of Harrow, Eton distinguished Schools.  It should be available throughout the Uk and to other nations by internet, and/or by setting up such schools/colleges in Africa and other nations, such as Venezuela, as agreed by those nations. To include how international trade works, and how to set up a small business with a tax system to allow new business to flourish. For instance in some EU nations, a new business must have about £50'000 before a start up is allowed, and from the outset, they are taxed monthly a high amount, so this is before any trading is done and profits made. Very few can start a business in this environment. It is new business that eventually creates larger business, and the jobs, and the tax income that pays the services for each nation, the Health and welfare and free education. This also may be why some nations do not flourish. In the UK it is very easy to set up a business and to sometimes to get Bank Loans if a good proposal is put forward to the bank. Obviously honesty is paramount, as corruption can interfere how such programme's work.

Key Policy 11:  International Central Fund Set Up And Distributed to individuals on a “dollar a day” via Mobile Phones. If successful, to perhaps eventually include 75% or more of the Foreign Aid Budget currently paid to Foreign Governments, so that we gradually spread the wealth of the world to nations in poverty directly to the public and avoid the loss of money from corruption when paid through Governments.  This should be coupled with repatriation scheme for those wanting to assist their original nation of origin to help it redevelop. This might mitigate the mass unsustainable and dangerous immigration to the West and Europe in particular. The West  cannot sustain this influx of immigration without eventually failing themselves to the extent that even Foreign Aid will not be available to the poorer nations. Instead we can gradually improve opportunity and development in ALL nations. We should offer scholarships or resettlement schemes to those who wish to return to their own cultural nation, and if on welfare benefit in the UK, this could still be paid to them perhaps when repatriated so they can access homes at a cheaper rate and improved standard of living, as the welfare payments will buy more in these nations, as well as helping the economy and employment of that nation. It will also provide opportunity in these nations by taking this income and their talent and experience to their own nation. We could also introduce some system of small Financial Teams (not individuals) to be taught in the UK, EU, Australia, Canada  (using the Foreign Aid budget sent to those nations) and then these teams sent out to assist in the developing the economies and to assist democracy and trade. If it is their own people, or people of their own heritage, arriving to assist it, will perhaps not be seen as interference that “white” nations are currently accused of. The Economist John Maynard Keynes saw ahead for us in his lifetime (1883 -1944) was “barring such catastrophes as uncontrollable flood of population or a totally destructive war, was not a continuation of the current state of misery and doubt, but a prospect so fair as to be almost unbelievable, nothing less than Adam Smiths heralded land of universal plenty  (The Worldly Philosophers by Robert Heilbroner Page 288). We will all return to “misery and doubt” as the welfare system, education and law system fails due to the legal and illegal mass immigration into the UK and the EU, and if large families start becoming the norm. The West is renowned for 3 children or less families, it is the mainstay of the success of any nation. With 2 children, each has attention from an adult, none are left out of having to care of siblings, each child is more likely to get enough food, clothes, education. It is easier to support 2 children financially to have fun and enjoy them, than to have 3 or more, where one at least will be left out. China should be commended for their success on their 1 child policy which has transformed their nation from poverty and their educational rating higher than most cultures. Their policy was compulsory, which brought in bad practices and societies want boys rather so there is now a shortage of females. So such a policy needs to be voluntary and to cherish girls as much a boys to inherit, as the balance of society is interrupted.

Key Policy 12: Ban Faith Schools Which Divide Children And They Grow Into Divided Society: Ireland Is Trying To Mix Schools to “Ease the Troubles” In Their Society. Have We Learnt Nothing? Seek To Have A Standard Secular Education System. We want prosperity for all peoples, but we all have to abide by the same rules and aims and committed to the nation we live in, not the one we come from.  Multiculturalism and Multi Religious society Is now again creating division in society, not unity. We should have known this already as Ireland has been divided with violence by Catholic and Protestant beliefs to the detriment of many. Northern Ireland now tries to unite school children in mixed Catholic and Protestant school classes to try and gradually resolve the divided adult society and the future society they will inhabit as adults. Bizarrely and dangerously, in England, we have now established Academy Faith Schools (promoting a particular faith in each school). It is another example of returning to policies that have been done before and which did not work. Ideally, we should have state schools (and private and Grammar schools) all with the same basic curriculum, or perhaps the Academy's we now have with specialty subjects like Drama, Art or the sciences for instance, but religious studies should always be a subject taught as part of the core curriculum covering ALL religions, without promoting any particular faith in any school i.e. ALL state, private and Grammar schools should remain secular. Religious practices should be taught at home by parents (as should cultural differences and history like slavery), or within their religious community only i.e. the Church, Mosque, Synagogue, Temple etc. The current Faith school Academy system in the UK (or England) is setting society up for a very great division as the minds of children are being indoctrinated with ideas of God that may not be real, even as they are being indoctrinated with transgender options that is not based on fact but mental and emotional discord and should not be taught to children who are likely balanced until such bizarre unscientific and against known biological norms. The idea of establishing the was to abolish nationalism, i.e. the pride and competition and disputes between nations that brought the World Wars and other wars. I assume their aim with the Maastricht Treaty was to make all nations “mix” within all nations, so that we banish yet further that “national” separation and we become more peaceful and prosperous worldwide. It has worked to an extent perhaps, we have had less wars in Western Europe at least, but this may have been because the whole world was exhausted with war and we had the Nuclear bomb as well, which meant human extinction if another war occurred. The downside is that the prosperous nations now have too much immigration, and multiculturism allows every citizen to promote and preserve their own nationality in the host nation they move to, including their language, their laws, their religion. Faith schools has made this worse, for now we now have ghetto type areas of certain cultures, mini foreign nations in certain cities. We have also had riots in the past along cultural lines in the UK. I do not think the English can be accused of racism when have been so accommodating that we are becoming a minority in our own land. In some cities, London, Birmingham, Slough, we are already a minority, with schoolchildren of ethnic minorities creating the extra pressure on schools and are 71% of the increase in school numbers. That means only 30% of the birth rate is of English parents, which means in a few generations England will not be English. The male English youth are academically also the worst performing in schools. Why is that? The singer Stormzy set up a fund to help BME (black minority ethnic) groups to achieve better in schools, but when someone offered funds for the poor performing working class English, this was not allowed as it was not “equal” opportunity and access for all. So we are increasingly having double standards that are always trying to raise the opportunity of minority ethnic groups, which is good, but not when racist and other laws are usurping any control or protection of the English in their own land. We should not be hindering anyone to progress, certainly not the English in their own land.  2015 : Pupils from ethnic minorities made up 71 per cent of the increase in primary school numbers. Almost one in three of England’s primary school children is from an ethnic minority — the highest level yet, figures show. One pupil in five speaks English as a second language,  the survey by the Department for Education  revealed. The growth in the number migrants, combined with a baby boom, is putting unprecedented pressure on schools. A growing number of primary schools have become supersized as they struggle to cope with the increase in population. In only one year there has been a 2.1 per cent increase in the number of pupils at state primary schools in England. This equates to almost 94,000 more children. Ethnic minority pupils made up 71 per cent of the increase. (

Key Policy 13  With immediate affect the BBC must    1)Have a Warning/Information on all its screens and read out over the radio before every news bulletin: As follows: "The BBC is compelled by law to provide unbiased news and programmes if they carry facts and issues in discussion, or disputed opinions. Listeners should be aware that critical thinking on every issue must be used by the listener to ensure that they themselves investigate the opposing view of any issue in order that society moves forward and does not repeat the errors of the past."   2)  With immediate affect as the BBC does not promote the opposing views yet and has become dangerously partisan with some key issues, the BBC should commission The New Culture Forum Channel, to show all those programmes's currently made by them and to be streaming indefinitely. The BBC must also commission them on certain topics to show the opposing viewpoint not being presented by BBC own staff. 3) The BBC is over represented by ethnic minority groups, or minority groups such as LGBTQ. Diversity is good but not if there are no English present at all and no English majority opinions allowed to challenge minority group opinion of Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, women's rights, activist rights. If we are to have "black staff" employed because they are black, then 70% of staff should be English as the population is 70% English. The BBC covers the whole land not just London, which is now only 36% English. An outside overseer should ensure that staff percentages are balanced, my local co op for instance is all ethnic minorities. This should apply across the board for all industry, Police, Board Rooms, Military etc. However, ideally it should be by talent and experience only after the 70% white and the 30% ethnic minority be they white or black.  We do not get a job because if are not good enough, or do not have enough experience. It is easy for anyone to lay the "victim" saying they did not get a position because they were of ethic group or colour, those who are good, with talent, presentable, can speak English clearly, do not have a negative "agenda" against the UK, will get a job. I did not get many jobs I wanted. That's life, not race. If the England is 70% English we have a "right" to have 70% of the jobs if we are giving out jobs by quotas.


Key Policy 14:  A) Investigate The London Mayor Sadiq Khan for Abuse/Misuse of Public Office and Funds and/or Breach of Trust:  As Follows: Potential Evidence:

 Sadiq Khan the London Mayor has been partisan with regard to Black Lives Matter in not acting in the best interest and safety of all London residents, and not even for Black residents, as they too were not advised by the London Mayor according to Government and Police ruling to stay at home prior to a Black Lives Matter Protest, risking Covid infection to their own lives as well as others. On 5th or 6th June on the Radio 4 Today Programme just before the BLM Protests on the 6th June 2020, when asked what he would advise the Protestors that day/weekend, he said twice "I am not attending the Protest as my Mother is self isolating and I do not want to compromise her, but I would not STOP BLM supporters from Protesting" . He said this twice as the Radio 4 Presenter pushed him on it. Mayor of London statement on Black Lives Matter protest 06 June 2020 The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “To the thousands of Londoners who protested peacefully today (it was not peaceful): I stand with you and I share your anger and your pain. George Floyd’s brutal killing must be a catalyst for change worldwide. No country, city, police service or institution can absolve itself of the responsibility to do better. We must stand together and root out racism wherever it is found. Black Lives Matter. “To the tiny minority who were violent and threw glass bottles and lit flares - you endangered a safe and peaceful protest (it was not peaceful and the EDF came out to stop the defacing of even the Cenetaph) and let down this important cause.”  Sadiq Khan while holding the office of London Mayor clearly encouraged a Protest and gathering of people in breach of the Lockdown laws. As he is not of “white” origin he was compromised in his position being openly partisan to the Protest and misusing his Public Office for the benefit of his preferred racial "group{s)". He did not act in the best interest for all London residents to avoid the spread of a deadly infection during the first Pandemic in a 100 years and before we had any vaccine or real control over the issue. It was the height of irresponsibility and personal bias which leads to corruption and he should be removed from Public office and banned from any Public Office again, vocally and vociferously stirring up racial divide from a Public Platform. B} This has also led to second account of Misuse of Public Office and Public Funds  by Sadiq Khan the London Mayor as he has in 2020 appointed a new diversity committee of 15 people paid by Taxpayers. There are 4 English and 11 are of the Black communities. The statues and road names are part of UK/ Britain whose history it is, It does not belong to just Londoners and certainly not to immigrants of 50 years residence. It is not for a violent BLM Protest Group and a biased London Mayor to make these changes. Does a summer of Protest in support of the death of criminal give them the right to change centuries of history (and its school curriculum), in a nation that they despise and wish to take over by a raised fist, burning the Union Jack and chasing our Police?  This is anarchy. They say that the "Victorian" feel is not appropriate for modern London. This diversity goup are appointed to change Road names, erect and maybe take down (though they say not) statues/art. Will they put up a statue for Floyd who was a criminal resisting Police and once took a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach, or that of the temporary statue of the woman who helped tear down the Bristol statue with raised fist, so that the black children in this nation are inspired to do the same?  It cannot be that 15 persons of which the English are not the majority, have power to make such significant changes. Yet even 15 is not enough to make such decisions, it should be the whole nation (of England at least), to decide what is removed from our London Capital (and its school curriculum), not 2'200 Petition signatures and a biased partisan Mayor and HIS chosen biased appointees. The salaries may well be £50'000 to £100’000 annually each member, then the costs of removing, erecting statues and artwork, changing road names, changing the curriculum. The cost of this unnecessary and very inappropriate when we are putting up National Insurance to workers to cover the cost of the Pandemic and people are losing jobs and business. 

"Statues of slavers around London could be pulled down under mayor’s new diversity plan. Sadiq Khan wants to review and improve "the diversity of public landmarks" after protestors toppled the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol The mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, will launch a new commission to review and improve “the diversity of London’s public landmarks” after Black Lives Matter protestors tore down a statue of slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol. Statues in the capital linked to slavery could be removed under the new initiative. “There are some slavers that should come down, and the commission "will advise on that,” Khan told the BBC. A petition calling for the removal of a statue of the 18th-century slave trader Robert Milligan by Richard Westmacott located at West India Quay in east London has garnered more than 2,200 signatures".C) It should be considered that  Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus the Director General  of the World Health Organistation should also be removed from office  as he also issued a statement from his worldwide platform that the Black Lives Matter Movement was an important issue and should be allowed to continue despite the Pandemic and risks to black lives and every life. If both the London Mayor and The W.H.O. Director General had fulfilled there unbiased service to ALL humanity, they would have stopped the breach of Lockdown rules from the outset. Instead they made a special case of their "own" compatriots showing themselves corruptible and unworthy of the power and influence invested in them by vote or appointment.


KEY POLICY 15 National Trust Properties, The Churchill Memorial Trust and many others are already changing Trust names, removing artifacts, removing articles written by Churchill on his website and changing memorial aims.   This is all based on the Black Lives Matter movement who breached all social rules and lockdown during a worldwide crisis, with rioting and looting on behalf of criminals and demanding the defunding of Police, that they and the criminals who died did not submit to but ran from. Floyd was a man imprisoned for burglary and using a gun with intent on a pregnant wombs stomach. Yet the BBC, Intellectuals and Academics want us to change the British way of life, history, Law and Order, on the basis of criminals shot while running from or not submitting to the Law and Order of the nation and the Police who risk their lives for the public.  If the figures were collated properly we would see there is no bias just that the black races think differently to the white race. We are brought up differently and they are in a nation they consider not there own, and are trying to live their way in another nation. It is not their fault of the child born here to immigrants., but it is a price they have to pay. They can return to their own nation, but a host nation cannot be expected to reduce itself to level being demanded in order to prove it is not racist or that an immigrant is fully at one with themselves in the host nation. If I am white in a white English nation, this is my culture and land, legal immigrants can live side by side with us on an equal basis but it is not an immigranst right to set up groups to undermine our flag, history, education, law and order. Thet can only do that if they take the UK over and make it their own nation abolishing the English, Welsh, Irish, Scottish. Yet immigrants already fight between themselves (Hindu and Muslims riots Leicester 2022) and in various racial disputes or gang warfare and religious groups, a Muslim believer from London travelled up Scotland following his you tube video, and killed him for his slightky different faith. similar but more extreme disputes occur in Syria, Ireland, Lebanon, Africa, so we already know the end result of competing cltures and faiths. Therefore , Black Lives Matter is regressive not progressive and should be banned, as should Meghan Markle and Harry who tell untruths but calling it their truth and seek to undermine the UK institutional system by false racial accusations. No one knows the real Truth, they say, except themselves, so they make it up as they go along, as they bear witness to each others storyline, be it a lie or truth. Meanwhile they and the Media, and people such as Oprah Winfrey make their money these stories, and only due to Harry's opprotunistic misuse of Royal Links and breaching Royal rules, political activism and no monetising of Royal status is allowed by Royal Members. The very name Black Lives Matter is racist. We recently had (2021) ethnic children in the Pimilico College London saying during a riot/strike at the school, that the Union Jack was racist and was nothing to do with her. That flag represents the education she receives free, the health care and maybe the welfare payments she or her parents receive free, the peace and freedom we have in the UK that she and every other immigrant enjoys.  There must be a halt and reversal of all these changes with immediate affect as the demands are based on anarchy, discord and regressive policies and will bring civil war here no one will win, least of all those fair minded hard working black and white immigrants who want to contribute to British society and progress of the world. and who are also being intimidated by Black Lives Matter supporters.

KEY POLICY 16: Housing Policy UK: We do not need to build more homes necessarily, we just need to stop a small number of people owning more than one home in the first time buyer range and Council & Housing Trust homes.

It was reported in 2018 that 2 million private landlords owned 5 million homes on "buy to let". The main reason why we have a shortage or homes to buy (which increases the demand to rent), is that too many people own more than their "fair share" of "first time buyer" price range of homes. Worse than this, rich foreign investors are buying them en masse from "Buy to let" landlords We need a law preventing this and that all "buy to let" are sold individually when put on the market, and perhaps only sold to UK passport holders. I have known visa holders with their visa due to expire in 6 months to purchase a first time buyer property. A "fair share" is one property per couple/person, instead, now a few clever individuals have 2 to 100 first time buyer range homes, or more, a person in Kent where I come from bought 1000 "buy to let" homes which he then sold en masse to 2 overseas investors. That is a 1000 young couples without a home to buy. Buy to let has been curtailed a little, but it needs to be stopped completely as there are many companies dealing just in "Buy to let"., depleting "first time buyer" priced homes  // If "Right to Buy" of Council AND Housing Trust properties continues, we will compound the Housing shortage yet again. These homes were designed for those who could not afford to buy, but so they could access low rents, decent homes and have security. If they reach high salaries of £50'000 then they need to find a new security in private purchase, unless they are a key worker.A new survey indicates that first times buyer numbers have fallen from 33% to 22% and buyers of second homes has doubled. The second homes are also probably via "buy to let" Mortgages. Such a buyer only needs a salary of £25'000 and they can buy infinite homes on buy to let, though some Building Societies cap it at 5 now I think now, even that is too many and it is not a law anyway I do not.

We should consider the following and activate a change with immediate affect, it costs nothing in building, but releases millions of first time buyer homes and protects them being sold to a few clever people, or overseas investors:

1) Stop "right to buy" of Council and Housing Trust properties (Michael Gove is currently now advocating "right to buy" for Housing Trust properties, compounding the housing problem yet again)
2) If a Council or Housing Trust tenant has a £30'000 or £50'000 salary they must vacate the property (unless a key worker), these homes are for those who cannot generate that sort of salary. This would release homes for the less well off. The RMT Union Deputy Leader has a salary of £78'000 but lives in a Council Home. This is not right.
3) Create a law that "buy to let"mortgages of first time buyer homes up to £500'000 are illegal.
4) Create a law that "Buy to Let" homes must be sold singly and not en masse to 1 or 2 investors and must be sold to those with British passport, at least first time buyer range anyway (i.e up to £500'000)
5) Encourage Buy to Let owners to sell their properties by giving a tax exemption from capital gains tax for 1 or 2 years, or some other incentive to get some of these 5 million (probably more now) homes onto the property market again for couples/individuals and not investors. This might bring the rental and sale price of property down again due to more supply and less demand. 
6) It could be considered that foreign investors are no longer allowed to buy property in the UK, so that builders build for the home market with cheaper smaller less luxurious property, rather than luxury homes that stand empty and owned by overseas investors. 
7) It could be considered that those on the Council Housing list and/or on benefit can still be paid benefit even if they return to their nation of origin, or any other EU or other nation willing to accept that situation. Some nations have many homes but no income, it may generate work and innovation in these nations. The money for this could be taken from the Foreign Aid budget. It has already been suggested by some that those nations not willing to take failed Asylum Seeker backs, that nation will no longer receive Foreign Aid. This also should be a new policy.

Key Policy 17: Education on the British Empire, Slavery, Black History: The same should be done about the British Empire and slavery which I believe is now being taught in schools since the Protests of Black Lives Matter, after demands that their history is also taught. I do not not think time should be spent specifically on another nations history until pupil subject choices come into play i.e. 16 . We have 100 plus races/cultures we have in the UK, to teach on one culture issue (Afro Caribbean Slavery), this is not "equality". This is a political movement and the public should also be aware of what schools are being taught, including Transgender and left wing woke politics.. My concern also is that these are being being taught by the black community or those with a bias against Britain and with a "revenge" and anti British slant which will create division and protests as we saw in the Pimlico School where a girl was quoted over the Media as saying that the Union Jack was racist and "nothing to do with her". This was not balanced with the fact that as an immigrant her education was free and she was living freely in the UK by her parents choice with free NHS care and maybe welfare. That there have been maybe 1000 empires of different size and length since modern civilization began maybe 4 to 5 thousand years, and much slavery also throughout that time. Britain happened to be one of the last Empires and the nation that brought slavery to an end worldwide, as we were not the only nation trading in Slaves. Slavery was brought to an end at considerable cost to the nation as the Slave Traders had to be paid off and I believe the Taxpayer have only just finished paying this in 2015. In addition, the black nations have also dealt in slaves. Due to the bias of many and the partisan nature of those that may teach on this subject, it should perhaps be online for all to see and hear the balanced view of history in order that bias and a new war of revenge is not sown in the black and perhaps white youth based on untruths and error. The BBC is also providing a biased view on this subject and cannot be trusted to balance the facts. The black community are also now demanding compensation. The UK and USA and many other nations pay millions in Foreign Aid to assist the African and other nations and that is the only fair way to move forward. There is a case for paying some or all of that foreign Aid directly to individuals as a type of welfare payment via their passport ID and Mobile phone, so that they can begin to develop business and employ people. Currently much of Foreign is wasted or lost to corruption in foreign governments or leaders:


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